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Omnidelve Client Dashboard

Our Technology

We make it easy for your company to sign up and start running background checks, drug screens, or utilizing one of our professional services.


The Applicant Progress screen provides an overview of the candidate's background check progress, indicating the completion status of Omnidelve's verification process. This screen allows you to easily track the verification progress of each candidate and determine whether they have completed the verification process or if there are any outstanding issues that need to be addressed.

Applicant Progress Screen
Omnidelve Applicant Portal

Applicant Dashboard

Once an applicant completes the initial stages of their background check, they will receive login information to access the applicant dashboard. The dashboard offers a simple and efficient interface where the applicant can view all signed documents, as well as any documents that need to be signed. Additionally, the applicant can keep track of the status of their background check, and once completed, they can view the actual check itself. 


Pre-built integrations with ATS / HCM platform like Lever, low code widgets, or integrate your own system. Full API documentation, guides, and sandbox to get started testing.

Bank Grade Security

We secure your data with bank-grade encryption. Use can secure their login with secure 2-factor authentication by Authy required by SOC & ISO audits.

Mobile-First Application, Signatures, & Disclosures

We just need an email! We'll contact your applicants, get all required disclosures and information required. 98% complete applications within 48 hours.

Compliance Built-in

Our platform automatically displays disclosure forms and collects signatures based on your company location and applicant's jurisdiction.


Our integrations are designed to be simple to use and can be tailored to fit your specific needs. And if you prefer, you can just use our platform. Sweet and easy!

Multiple Billing Options

Here, we strongly believe that one shoe does NOT fit all! That is why we offer multiple billing options from day one with us. Pay as you go, yearly, etc.

Smartmock up of OmniHire


With the OmniHire feature, you can easily send background checks to your applicants in real-time, making the process much smoother and more efficient. This innovative feature ensures that you are meeting your applicants where they are at, by providing them with the necessary information to complete the application process with ease. By utilizing the OmniHire feature, you can save time and streamline your hiring process, providing a better experience for both you and your applicants.


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