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Adverse and PreAdverse Action Letters and Emails

Adverse and PreAdverse Action Letters and Emails

Following the FCRA and other local laws does not have to be complicated!

Adverse Action

Adverse Action Notice

Pre/Adverse Action Letters

Many states and jurisdictions have different laws being passed on how and when employment can be denied based on the information from a background check. HR departments have the need to provide different letter types based on the location of the employer/applicant.

Our clients have the options when setting up Adverse and PreAdverse Action Letters

  1. Drafting and uploading their own Pre and Adverse Action letter

  2. Hiring Omnidelve to pen and create a letter to your company specifications

  3. Or, uploading a lettered draft your company already has in mind.

No matter the chosen option, Omnidelve will ensure your this process is done legally, smart, and trustworthy. Let us take care of your Adverse Action Letter requirements.


Pre Adverse & Adverse Action Emails

Adverse Action Email

Once a letter has been ordered, the HR User who ordered the report will receive a notification 5 days after a Pre-Adverse has been sent (one for each applicant). The email received by the HR User is not customizable but does include client-specific details.

This email also masks the Year of Birth on the applicant's DOB. The Reminder email contains a link to the specific applicant, which allows the HR User to view the Pre-Adverse letter, verify the name and DOB, order an Adverse letter if necessary, or view and verify any other applicant information contained in the report.

Our Adverse Action Reminder Email is a powerful tool that helps you stay compliant with federal and state regulations, while also increasing consistency and efficiency in your hiring process.

  • Easy to use: Simply indicate how many days, excluding weekends if desired, it has been since the Pre-Adverse letter was sent to the applicant. You can then choose to have the Adverse email reminder sent in one of three ways:

  • Stay compliant: Our Adverse Action Reminder Email ensures that you always comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other applicable regulations. The email will automatically include all required disclosures and signatures, and we will also provide you with a copy of the disclosure packet for your records.

  • Increases consistency: Our Adverse Action Reminder Email helps to ensure that all of your Adverse Action letters are sent in a timely and consistent manner. This can help reduce the risk of legal liability and improve the overall candidate experience.

In addition to the Adverse Action Reminder Email, our platform also offers a variety of other features that can help you stay compliant with employment law and streamline your hiring process. These features include:

  • Built-in compliance: Our platform automatically displays and collects all required disclosures based on your company location and the applicant's jurisdiction.

  • Digital signatures: Applicants can quickly sign disclosures electronically, which eliminates the need for paper forms and signatures.

  • PDF reports: All background check reports are available in PDF format, which makes it easy to download, print, and share.

  • Dispute resolution: We offer a built-in dispute resolution process that allows applicants to challenge the accuracy of their background check report.

To learn more about our Adverse Action Reminder Email and other features, please visit our website or contact us today.

We look forward to helping you stay compliant and streamline your hiring process!

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