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OmniHIRE Mobile and Applicant Portal

OmniHIRE Mobile and Applicant Portal

Reach your candidates the way they like to be reached!

OmniHIRE Mobile

OmniHIRE Mobile allows your clients to send self-screening invitations to their applicants. The applicant that receives the invitation can click a personalized link, view instructions, electronically sign electronic consent documents, and fill out their information to initiate a background check. In addition, they will be able to login to an applicant portal to review adverse and 613a letters, upload documents and view their results!

OmniHIRE Mobile focuses on the applicant-driven process to become mobile friendly, improve the overall user experience of the Applicant and allow our clients to customize the look and feel of the end-to-end process. OmniHIRE allows ourclients to eliminate data entry or re-entry by enabling Applicants to enter their personal information, employment history, and other applicable forms, without reliance on an Applicant Tracking System or third-party integration.

OmniDelve can customize the messaging, branding, and screening experience for applicants while upholding FCRA guidelines and consent obligations.

*Disclosure form editing will cost extra if your company need a more exsclusive forms.

OmniHIRE - Applicant Portal

OmniHire Applicant Portal

HR departments can extend the background screening process to mobile devices through OmniHIRE Mobile and it’s Applicant Portal, providing job applicants with complete visibility and a faster, more simplified experience that aligns with the proliferation of modern, mobile-centric applications.

OmniHIRE Mobile w/Applicant Portal also eliminates the manual, time-consuming information-input-process for CRA’s and HR departments, and extends the enterprise-grade functionality of the deverus Verocity platform to streamline all workflow, reporting and management of increasingly important applicant background checks.

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