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We are delighted to introduce you to our easy-to-navigate OmniPersonal Dashboard


To order a report, simply select one of the available packages listed above. Once you have chosen a package, you will be guided through a series of screens in the background check system. Each package includes a range of searches, from basic to advanced. The more advanced packages will provide more detailed information about your background.


Receive Welcome Email and Portal Log In


After you have provided all the required information about yourself, our system will send you a welcome email within a few minutes using the email address that you have provided. This email will contain all the necessary details for logging in to the Applicant Dashboard. Once you log in, you will be able to view the status of your report, any documents that need to be signed or have already been signed, and also print your completed OmniPersonal report.

Completed OmniPersonal Background Check into Disputes

We help customers understand and correct their background check results. Our process mirrors a potential employer's, providing a comprehensive report with the option to seek corrections before applying for a job or residence. Our goal is to empower you with the information and tools needed to make informed decisions about your life.

Findings Report


OmniPersonal Finding Report Sample


The Letter for OmniPersonal Candidate sample
Sample Background Check

Disputing Info In the Report

OmniPersonal offers an easy way for users to challenge any inaccurate information found in their personal reports.


The process involves submitting a request through the portal, which is the same process followed by our clients' applicants.


To learn more or to initiate a dispute, please click on the link provided below.

Working with you to Correct Info!

We're committed to supporting you every step of the way. If you come across any incorrect or questionable information in our reports, don't hesitate to reach out.


We know that verifying information can be a time-consuming process, so we'll assign a representative who's well-versed in finding and verifying derogatory information that could impact your ability to secure a job or apartment. 

Although we're not lawyers ourselves, we'll assist you in finding a licensed attorney in your state or the state where the record is located, should the information in your report require their expertise.

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