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Hiring Event Service

Background checks at the speed of, well, your job fair!

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Hiring Event Service

Hiring Event Service

Is your company about to host a job fair?

Wish there was a way to run background checks at that very moment.

This service will certainly help with that...

About the Service

Our Hiring Event Service provides a comprehensive and convenient solution to your recruitment needs. We will assign an agent to your event, remotely, during the time you require, to assist with the recruitment process by running background checks in real-time to ensure that you are hiring the best candidates for the job. Our team is experienced in conducting fast and reliable background checks to ensure that your recruitment process is as efficient and successful as possible.

Laws, Regulations, Drug Screens

Our Hiring Event Service offers comprehensive background checks for every potential candidate. We understand that every state has its own regulations and laws, and we are able to tailor our services to meet those requirements. We are also able to offer drug screening services the same day or the next day, ensuring you get the most accurate results in the quickest possible time.

Contact, Quote, & Contracting

Contact Us:

Use one of our contact methods, phone, email, form, or chat to reach out to our office to get started. We do ask for at the minimum a 72-hour notice, if you need it sooner than this, let us know. We will speak with you in order to determine your needs and then we will provide you with how we can help.


After we advise how we can help, we will send you a transparent contract quote to be signed and sent back to your assigned representative. The quote will contain the necessary paperwork and requirements as well as pricing. It is very important to get this back to our office as we must verify the legitimacy of your business before we can begin working with your company.


After you have reviewed the quote, contracts, and services we will offer, it is time to sign the contract agreement. This agreement is between your company and Omnidelve LLC and terms will more than likely be set for the duration of your hiring event as this will allow us sufficient time to service any hiccups that arrive out of background checks.

Assignment of Agent & Day of Event

Assignment of Agent:

It is at this phase, after all of the above, that the Omnidelve agent assigned to your event will reach to your contact person by email with a "Hello (Business Name)" in the subject line. Please open this email as it will contain all information related to your event with our office. The letter serves two purposes, the first is to introduce the agent assigned, and the second is to provide information. Should you have any questions or need to make any changes to your event, this will be your go-to person.

The Day Of

On the day of your company's hiring event your assigned agent will arrive generally within 2 hours of the event starting in order to set up. If the agent has been assigned "virtually" this is reduced to 1 hour as the time is not needed for setup.

How are we able to offer this service?

Omnidelve utilizes multiple data points within the background check industry in order to get this correct for our clients. If your company requires anything that we do not offer, we more than likely be able to get it and provide it to you in the future or within another particular timeframe.

Do I need to be a client already to utilize the service?

No! You can become a client and specifically only as for this service if that is all your company requires!

How are reports sent to us on the day of our event?

This is primarily up to your company's requirements. The easiest and quickest way we provide this service is through our client web portal, your company is signed up for this during onboarding and is ready for use the same day. We can also accommodate secure delivery through company email and/or fax if this is required.

***This service is only for the drug screen or criminal background check as other services such as education verification, and professional and personal reference verification are time contingent based on the receiving party to verify. However, we can offer this service, we just want you to be aware of the facts and be as transparent as possible.

Please reach out to us today to get started!

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