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I-9 Compliance

I-9 Collect, Verification, and Store

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I-9 Compliance

I-9 Employment

Eligibility Verification

Use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form.

On the form, an employee must attest to their employment authorization. The employee must also present their employer with acceptable documents as evidence of identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine these documents to determine whether they reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the employee, then record the document information on the employee’s Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. Employers must retain Form I-9 for a designated period and make it available for inspection by authorized government officers.

The I-9 Portal by Omnidelve provides an advanced electronic solution for managing Form I-9 Eligibility Verification Requirements compliance. By utilizing the portal's automation capabilities, users can streamline their workflow, minimize errors, generate digital audit trails, and have their records compliant in just a few minutes. This is an effective way to ensure a company's safety and security.

Plug and Play

With the I-9 Portal and our Hubworks platform you can integrate seamlessly with any ATS, Onboarding or HRMS system. You can take advantage of our pre-built integration APIs to receive requests and deliver results to any other platform. HR managers can submit requests through the front end system and the I-9 Portal will perform the E-Verify and generate a link to send to the employee for immediate use. Once done, the integration will send Section 1 and prepare Section 2 with a link to the the person who will be completing the form and verifying identification. It’s the perfect solution that allows HR to manage the process without the hassle of multiple systems.

Enters Omnidelve + Form I-9 Portal Compliance Solutions

Remote Hiring

Simplify the Hiring Process

No matter the industry, Omnidelve recognizes that remote hiring is becoming increasingly popular with the modern workforce. Thats why we have partnered with the best in the industry to bring your company, well, the best! Omnidelve + I-9 Portal will help to ease one of the challenges you face during the onboarding of your remote hires, employment eligibility verification and Form I-9 compliance.

  • 100% cloud based. Complete your remote I-9s via tablets, smart phones and laptops.

  • Access to our partner network of over 14,000 well-trained, notarized Form I-9 experts

  • Option to sign the Form I-9 using a mouse, stylus, or finger (if using a tablet), or click to sign to attest the information is correct

  • Reduce the I-9 process from days to minutes with Omnidelve + I-9.

  • With Omnidelve + I-9, it’s easy to choose between utilizing a spouse, neighbor or friend, authorized company agent, or one of 14,000 notaries through our Notary Network Partner to complete Section 2.

Electronic I-9

Our advanced, web-based technology fully automates the completion, signature, storage and tracking of I-9 forms – making a totally paperless I-9 process possible. The Form I-9 Compliance partnership approach involves working with company representatives to understand current I-9 programs, identify existing concerns, trends or problems before outlining a new, customized I-9 program.

  • Form I-9 experts on staff

  • Eliminate duplicate data entry

  • Easy to track and manage all I-9 issues using our comprehensive dashboard

  • Team of I-9 Help Desk professionals ready to assist

  • Continuous updates to reflect latest developments in USCIS/ICE regulations and procedures.

  • Customized client portals

  • Step by step transition plans

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