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Identity Services


Consent Based Identity Verification, Person Search, Stripe Identity




What You Need to Know

Omnidelve Identity Verification Services can help you make informed decisions about who you hire or rent to, reducing the risk of identity fraud and saving you time and money. Our services are fast, accurate, and affordable, and can help you identify potential red flags, such as discrepancies in identity information or a history of fraud.

In today's increasingly complex world, it's more important than ever to be able to verify the identities of the people you do business with. With Omnidelve Identity Verification Services, you can do just that with confidence. We use a variety of methods to verify identities, including document verification, facial recognition, and data matching. Our services are automated, so you can quickly and easily verify identities without having to do it yourself.

In addition to our identity verification services, we also offer employment verification services, background checks, and credit checks. Contact us today to learn more about how Omnidelve Identity Verification Services can help you protect your business.

Here are some of the specific benefits of using Omnidelve Identity Verification Services:

  • Reduce the risk of identity fraud. By verifying the identities of your employees or tenants, you can help to protect your business from the financial and reputational damage that can result from identity fraud.

  • Make informed hiring decisions. By verifying the identities of your potential employees, you can help to ensure that you are hiring qualified and trustworthy individuals.

  • Protect your property. By verifying the identities of your tenants, you can help to reduce the risk of property damage or theft.

  • Save time and money. Our automated services can help you to quickly and easily verify identities, saving you time and money.

  • Improve your peace of mind. Knowing that you have taken steps to verify the identities of your employees or tenants can give you peace of mind.

Services Available:

  • Social Security and Previous Address * this service is conducted during a typical background check. This option will also allow us to verify any AKAs (Also Known As) which then our system will compare and locate any information available with said Aliases. (Powered by, Omnidelve)

  • OmniID Government Document Upload (Powered by, Stripe Identity)

    • Government Document (ONLY) Upload

      • passport, driver’s license, or national ID

  • OmniID Selfie (Powerd by, Stripe Identity)

    • Government Document Upload + Selfie

      • This option allows candidates to compare their uploaded government-issued ID with a self-taken photo (selfie) uploaded within the application.

  • ID Number and Phone Number Verify (Powered by, Stripe Identity)

    • ID Number checks provide a way to verify a user’s name, date of birth, and national ID number. Stripe uses a combination of third-party data sources such as credit agencies or bureaus, utility or government-issued databases, and others to verify the provided ID number.

When to Use

In today's world, where identity theft is on the rise, it has become crucial for employers and landlords to take measures to verify the identity of potential candidates. It not only ensures the safety and security of their business and property but also helps them make informed decisions while selecting the right candidate for the job or tenancy. Therefore, verifying the identity of an applicant is a necessary step that should be taken with utmost care and diligence.

Here are some specific situations where Omnidelve's Identity Verification Services can be invaluable:

  • Employer Background Checks: As an employer, you have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees and workplace. Omnidelve can help you verify the identities of job applicants, quickly and efficiently screening for criminal records, education verification, and past employment history. This allows you to make informed hiring decisions with confidence, knowing you have the right people on your team.

Case Example: Acme Security, a security firm specializing in high-security events, needed a reliable way to verify the identities of potential employees entrusted with sensitive client information.

Omnidelves' multi-layered verification process, including ID document verification, address verification, and social media checks, helped Acme Security identify and hire trustworthy individuals, mitigating the risk of fraud and security breaches.

  • Financial Institutions: In today's digital age, financial institutions are constantly battling fraud and money laundering. Omnidelve can help you comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations and mitigate financial risks by verifying the identities of new account holders and flagging suspicious activity. Our services can also help you prevent identity theft and account takeovers, protecting your customers' valuable financial information.

  • E-commerce Platforms: Online fraud is a major concern for e-commerce businesses. Omnidelve can help you deter fraudulent transactions and chargebacks by verifying the identities of customers at the point of sale. This increases trust and security on your platform, leading to a better customer experience and higher sales.

In addition to the above, Omnidelve Identity Verification Services offer several benefits, including:

  • Increased Efficiency: Streamline your identity verification process with our automated solutions, saving you time and resources.

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Our multi-layered verification process ensures the accuracy of the information you receive.

  • Improved Security: Protect your business from fraud and identity theft with our secure and compliant solutions.

  • Global Reach: Verify identities from all over the world with our extensive network of data sources.

Don't wait until you become a victim of fraud or identity theft. Contact Omnidelve today and learn how our Identity Verification Services can help you protect your business and its customers.

What is Revealed

Permission based Identity Verification will reveal (OmniID)

  • Enable for mobile devices

  • Simplifies the confirmation process

  • Secures data

  • Confirms candidate’s identity

  • Delivered electronically

The information revealed in a name and address screen for a job or landlord background check can vary depending on several factors, including:

Type of Screen:

  • Name Screen: This typically verifies your identity by checking public records for information like birth dates, aliases, and previous addresses associated with your name. The specific details revealed might involve:

    • Date of birth

    • Middle name (if available)

    • Previous addresses

    • Aliases or known variations of your name

    • Publicly available phone numbers

  • Address Screen: This focuses on your residential history and might reveal:

    • Past addresses associated with your name

    • Length of residence at each address

    • Ownership or rental status (if available)

    • Eviction history (if available in your jurisdiction)

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