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Military Service Record


Military Records



What You Need to Know

The type of information releasable to the general public from Federal (non-archival) records is dependent upon whether or not a person is requesting information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or has access authorization from the veteran or next-of-kin.

How we can help with military background checks for employment purposes:

Verifying Military Service:

  • Omnidelve offers military verification services that connect with official repositories to confirm dates of service, branch, rank, and discharge status, helping employers validate a candidate's claims.

  • We have access DD-214 forms (service discharge summaries) which contain extensive details about an individual's military experience.

Assessing Qualifications and Potential Risks:

  • We analyze military records to identify relevant skills and experience for specific job requirements, such as leadership, technical training, or certifications.

  • While legal restrictions apply, we can help assess potential risks based on information available in public military records, but it's crucial to emphasize we cannot make judgments or interpretations on sensitive information.

Additional Services:

  • Omnidelve offers customizable background check packages that can be tailored to the specific needs of the employer and the job requirements.

  • We provide compliance guidance to ensure the background check process adheres to legal regulations and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requirements.

  • Some companies offer drug screening services, which can be combined with a military background check depending on the job and employer policies.

  • We assist the candidate in completing necessary paperwork required by

Important notes:

  • It's essential to verify with Omnidelve about the specific scope of their military background check services and their compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

  • Employers should have a legitimate business reason for conducting a military background check and ensure it's not discriminatory.

  • Transparency and clear communication with candidates are crucial throughout the process.

When to Use

Direct verification of an individual's military work history by employers or landlords is restricted. Due to privacy concerns, the Department of Defense (DoD) does not offer general employment verification for active-duty or former military personnel.

However, there are several alternative solutions that can aid an employer or landlord in assessing a candidate's military background:

For current military personnel:

  • Request the candidate's official Leave and Earning Statement (LES). This document, accessible through the myPay system, provides details about pay grade, pay, entitlements, and deductions, confirming active duty status and basic information.

  • Ask for their Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) enrollment verification. This confirms active duty status within the last 367 days. You can direct them to the SCRA website for details.

For both current and former military personnel:

  • Request the candidate's Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) document. This self-service document, downloadable through milConnect, summarizes key information like service dates, rank, training, and awards.

  • Suggest they provide their DD Form 214 (Member 4). This discharge document contains details about their service history, but caution that it reveals sensitive information like medical discharges. Encourage them to provide a redacted version focusing on relevant details like dates of service and rank.

  • Contact the relevant military branch directly. Each branch has specific procedures for employment verification, although they primarily involve confirming basic details like dates of service and discharge status. Check the official websites of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard for details.

Additional tips:

  • Focus on specific information relevant to the position. Don't inquire about sensitive details beyond what's needed to assess their qualifications.

  • Clearly explain the verification process and obtain written consent. Respect the candidate's privacy and only proceed with their permission.

  • Consider alternative ways to assess skills and experience. Look beyond military service to evaluate their achievements, transferable skills, and references.

Remember, the goal is to verify the candidate's qualifications while respecting their privacy. By utilizing these alternative methods and focusing on relevant information, you can gain valuable insights into a candidate's military background without violating their personal rights.

What is Revealed

What is revealed in a Military Personnel Background Check depends on several factors, including:

1. The type of background check:

  • Verification Checks: These confirm basic information like dates of service, branch, rank, and discharge status. They primarily rely on public records and DD-214 forms.

  • Security Clearance Checks: These are much more in-depth and require government authorization. They involve interviews, credit checks, criminal records, foreign travel, and potentially access to classified military records.

  • Employment-Related Checks: These are limited in scope and typically focus on verifying information provided by the candidate, like dates of service, training received, and awards earned.

2. The purpose of the check:

  • Government Jobs: These often require security clearances and access to sensitive information, leading to comprehensive investigations.

  • Private Sector Jobs: The scope is usually narrower, focusing on information relevant to the specific job requirements.

3. Legal restrictions:

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) limits what employers can request and use from military records. For instance, they cannot base hiring decisions solely on discharge status or inquire about medical history.

Therefore, information revealed in a Military Personnel Background Check can include:

  • Basic information: Name, dates of service, branch, rank, awards, and training received.

  • Discharge status: Honorable, Dishonorable, General Under Honorable Conditions, etc.

  • Disciplinary actions: Depending on the type of check, it might reveal certain disciplinary actions taken during service.

  • Security clearance level (for clearance checks).

  • Foreign travel and contacts (for clearance checks).

  • Criminal records: May be included in some checks, but restrictions apply.

It's important to understand that:

  • Not all information is automatically revealed. The scope depends on the factors mentioned above.

  • Employers cannot discriminate based on military service.

  • Candidates have rights to review and dispute information.

If you're unsure about what information might be revealed in your specific case, it's best to consult with a legal professional or the organization conducting the background check.

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