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SSN and Address Verification





What You Need to Know

The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification is a comprehensive background check that provides information on the name, address history, issuing state, and year issued of a particular Social Security Number (SSN). This information can be used to verify the identity of a candidate, to identify potential criminal activity, and to assess credit risk.


The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Accuracy: The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification is conducted using a variety of sources, including credit reports, public records, and government databases. This ensures that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Completeness: The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate's SSN history. This includes the name, address history, issuing state, and year issued of the SSN.

  • Timeliness: The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification is typically completed within 24 hours. This ensures that you have the information you need to make informed hiring decisions quickly.

When to Use

Imagine trying to build a house without a secure foundation. It might look good on the surface, but eventually, cracks will appear, and the whole structure could come tumbling down. That's exactly what happens with background checks that skip the crucial steps of social security number (SSN) verification and address history.

Here's why these checks are the bedrock of any reliable background screening:

1. Identity Confirmation:

  • An SSN is like a fingerprint in the working world. It verifies that the person you're considering is who they claim to be, not someone posing under an assumed identity. This is essential for employers who need to trust who they're hiring and landlords who want responsible tenants.

2. Unmasking Red Flags:

  • Address history paints a vivid picture of someone's past. It can reveal potential red flags like evictions, unpaid debts, or even criminal records tied to previous addresses. This information empowers employers to make informed decisions and helps landlords avoid risky tenants.

3. Building Trust and Transparency:

  • Thorough background checks, starting with SSN and address verification, demonstrate your commitment to due diligence and creating a safe, trustworthy environment. This builds confidence with both employees and tenants, fostering a more positive and secure atmosphere.

Think of it this way: a complete background check is like a map. SSN verification is the compass, pointing you in the right direction. Address history is the detailed route, revealing the twists and turns of someone's past. Without this map, you're navigating blindfolded, risking costly mistakes and potential harm.

Investing in a strong foundation with SSN verification and address history sets the stage for a successful partnership, whether it's hiring a dedicated employee or welcoming a responsible tenant. It's the first step in building a secure and thriving future, one brick at a time.

What is Revealed

The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification is conducted in three steps:

  1. SSN Verification: The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification first verifies the accuracy of the candidate's SSN. This is done by matching the SSN against government records.

  2. Address History: The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification then searches for records of the candidate's address history. This includes addresses where the candidate has lived, worked, or filed taxes.

  3. Issuing State and Year: The Omnidelve LLC Social Security Number Trace with Address Verification also provides the issuing state and year of the candidate's SSN. This information can be used to verify the authenticity of the SSN.

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