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Tenant Screening Services


State Rental Records Database, National Rental Records Database, Public Records Search, Permission Based Address Verification, Automated Income Verification



Instant, 1-2 Days

Omnidelve LLC is proud to work with Property Management, Real Estate, and Individual Landlords. We have a suite of products that are geared towards helping them make the right decision everytime!

National Rental Records Database

With over 24 million housing court records and over a billion criminal public records, you can trust you are getting the information you need when you need it. The national rental records database searches nationwide to look for pointer data eviction record filings on an applicant. 

Public Records

Public records searches can provide users with information on applicants including:

  1. Bankruptcy information

  2. Lien information

  3. Judgments

The jurisdiction is broader for a public records search since it is not limited to a county. It will check nationwide and search results will be returned to you through your vendor interface, saving you time and money.

Records returned include how recent the incidents were and the status of each case:

  1. Reference number

  2. File date

  3. Plaintiff

  4. Status: Discharged, Closed, or Discharged and Closed

  5. Amount of the judgement

  6. Status Date

State Rental Records Database

The state rental records database searches a single state to look for pointer data eviction record filings on an applicant.

How does Housing Court Records Help to Mitigate Business Risk?

There are several ways businesses use housing court record data to analyze potential risk(s). In the multifamily housing industry, rental properties utilize eviction (also known as unlawful detainer) scans within their resident screening to determine if their applicants meet their rental standards. Some banks incorporate housing public records to determine risk when evaluating loans. It is even used within the insurance industry to calculate unlawful detainer risk rates within certain zip codes. 

Property Technologies

Upgrade your companies’ experience with over 36 million eviction records and 1 billion FCRA compliant criminal records, complete with our proprietary heuristic matching methodology. With Omnidelve predictive public records and industry-exclusive matrix, you can ensure you have the very best risk mitigation solutions backing you.

Rental Housing Solutions

Omnidelve helps those within the rental housing industry sort through masses of applicants with reliable, high-quality public records. Our objective, data-based resident screening is one of the best ways you can protect your rental properties when filling vacancies.

**We have also partnered with Payscore to make the income verificatio easier by allowing your prospective tenants to self verify income.

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