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Employer and Tenant Background Check Laws in Kansas: An Informative Report


Background checks play a crucial role in today's society, providing employers and landlords in Kansas with valuable information about potential employees and tenants. These checks help mitigate risks associated with hiring or renting to individuals with criminal histories or negative financial records. However, performing background checks requires adherence to strict legal guidelines to protect the rights and privacy of applicants. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the employer and tenant background check laws in the state of Kansas.

I. Employer Background Check Laws

Employers in Kansas seek to maintain a safe and productive work environment while making informed hiring decisions. To ensure fair treatment of applicants, federal and state laws regulate the use of background checks in the hiring process.

A. Federal Laws

The primary federal law governing employer background checks is the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA applies when employers use consumer reporting agencies to obtain background information on applicants. Key provisions of the FCRA include:

  1. Disclosure and Authorization: Employers must provide a clear, written disclosure to applicants stating their intent to conduct a background check. Additionally, they must obtain written authorization from the applicant before proceeding with the background check.

  2. Adverse Action: If an employer decides not to hire an applicant based on information obtained in the background check, they must follow a two-step process. First, they must provide the applicant with a pre-adverse action notice, including a copy of the background report and a summary of their rights under the FCRA. After a reasonable period, the employer can take adverse action but must notify the applicant in writing, providing information about the consumer reporting agency used, the right to dispute the accuracy of the report, and the applicant's right to obtain a free copy of the report within 60 days.

B. Kansas State Laws

Kansas does not have specific laws governing the use of background checks in private employment beyond federal requirements. However, employers must comply with federal laws like the FCRA. It is essential for employers to maintain consistency and fairness in the hiring process and avoid any form of discrimination prohibited by federal laws, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

II. Tenant Background Check Laws

Landlords in Kansas use background checks to assess the suitability of potential tenants and safeguard their property and other tenants. State and federal laws regulate the use of tenant background checks to protect tenants from discriminatory practices.

A. Kansas State Laws

Kansas statutes do not impose specific requirements for tenant background checks. Landlords are generally free to conduct background checks as part of their tenant screening process. However, there are certain considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Fair Housing Laws: Landlords must comply with federal fair housing laws, such as the Fair Housing Act (FHA), which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. Therefore, background check policies should be applied consistently to all applicants, and decisions should not be based on protected characteristics.

  2. Privacy and Consent: Landlords must obtain written consent from prospective tenants before conducting a background check. The consent form should be separate from the rental application and clearly disclose the types of information that will be obtained and how it will be used.

  3. Security Deposits: Kansas law allows landlords to collect security deposits from tenants, which can help cover any damages or unpaid rent during the tenancy. However, the use of background check information to determine the amount of the security deposit should be approached with caution to avoid potential discrimination claims.

B. Federal Laws

The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) also applies to tenant background checks performed by consumer reporting agencies. Landlords using such agencies must follow the same guidelines as employers under the FCRA, including providing appropriate disclosures and obtaining written authorization from the tenant.


Background checks for employers and tenants are valuable tools for making informed decisions while ensuring safety and security. In Kansas, employers must abide by federal laws like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), while landlords must comply with federal fair housing laws to avoid discrimination. Although Kansas does not have specific state laws concerning background checks for private employment and tenant screening, adherence to federal laws is paramount to protect the rights and privacy of applicants and tenants alike. Both employers and landlords should consistently apply their background check policies and treat all applicants or tenants fairly and equally to maintain compliance with the law.

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